Thursday, September 27, 2007

XSynth Reason products discontinued

Building and associating the XSynth name with quality products have had a side effect which i didnt see coming. For some odd reason people in the pirate business have started to use the name XSynth as a kinda stamp for quality products.

I guess it all started with a person made a pirated version of XSynth Library and included another sample library with it and kept the XSynth name for the bundle. This has turned into a trend and now you can find tons of various XSynth bundles on torrents and pirate sites. None of these bundles have the full version of XSynth Library or at least i have not found any version 1.11 out there yet.

Take a look at this picture which includes the latest 100 versions out there:

What i'm going to do is put XSynth on ice for awhile and surface again when things have settled down and meanwhile i will continue my work over at which will function as a hub for things i work with.

For now my work on the Zebra platform is finished and i'm recharging for a new project. I have no idea of where or what the next project will be until i'm buried deep into something.

So until then.... :o)



Max said...

I'm very sorry! XSynth sounds are marvelous!

Tronam said...

I'm sorry to hear that, Michael. XSynth was a brilliant and unique project. It covered far more than simply synth patches. It was more like a semi-modular construction kit covering everything from synthesis, to combinator machines, to filter chains and effects processing. The only equivalent might be something like Reaktor ensembles, but Reason is so much more efficient and straightforward.

For all developers in the software realm, I guess it just comes down to finding some personal way to come to terms with the reality of the world's dark underbelly and continue to diligently persist in a positive direction in spite of it. Like most everything else in the world, what you look for can eventually become all that you see (the media being the worst culprits of all). It's troubling to me as well to see the XSynth name incorrectly associated with all manner of things as you had posted, but keep in mind; the only people that would ever see a list like that are the ones that are searching for it. Were these the kind of people that you were making XSynth for?

~ Tronam

Michael Kastrup said...

Hi Tronam

For me its all about the challenge and staying motivated.

XSynth Library was an exciting project where i learned many new ways of thinking.

My 3 years on the XSynth Library project left me with a pirated version of the library, the XSynth name associated with various warez refills and no invite to the sound design for Reason 4.

This kinda explains why i am not motivated for work on the Reason platform atm. ;)

Now that i know real life always catch up on you i am very picky about which challenge to pick up next.

The Zebra project turned out really great. So i am always around somewhere looking for a challenge, but as i said before, very very picky about what to do next.
