Saturday, September 8, 2007

Third encounter with Sweet Ann

Ok, the pitch thing is due to several things in the way she is ment to sing and this makes it VERY difficult. The main problem is i cant compensate for the pitch when i have nothing to hold it up against like a rewire track (we tried that and it didnt work). So what happens is i find a phrase i like but when i have exported the singing to a wave file and want to try it out in my host it turns out that some part of the phrase is out of pitch, yikes. So now i'm trying to see if i can create a choir with various vowels by sampling each damn note and then fine correct for pitch on each note.

Then a new problem came up, it turns out that what you hear when you audition a phrase it might not come out the exact same way when rendered it to a wav file. For some odd reason Vocaloid2 decides to pick another of the singers basic samplings as a starting point for a word. A typical setup for a vowel is that its made up of 2 samples of the original singer. So you have a bright sample for the natural registers and another sample for the low registers.

In the following music piece Sweet Ann do the ae--ee--uu and another choir sample set do the intro choir. Infact Sweet Ann was supposed to sing ae--ee--uu--ahh--oh but the ahh and the oh came out dead wrong in pitch so i only kept the first parts.


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