Saturday, April 21, 2007

Additive Preview

Here are some examples of very pure waveforms created using additive synthesis.

I've have sampled the waveforms very close within harmonics so they can complement each other when combined into a patch with alternate sample switch. Additive synthesis is a waveform galore when it comes to organ and bell sounds and there are tons of combinations within the harmonics.

I've done additive before but this time i'm using multiple samples pr. waveform. Waveforms are sampled at CO thru C7 with 1 octave apart. Its a bit overkill but i'd rather have the samples in placed all over the keyboard just in case. The bell samples would be doing aliasing after C4 if i didnt make some extreme high tone samples.

Here is a snippet of some additive waveforms used in raw form:

I might go back and resynthesis some of the older additive waveforms i've created for XSynth Library and make them multisamples to cover the entire keyboard range.


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