Saturday, August 9, 2008

A day with Purity Software Sound Module

Purity is among the (oldies) and is a General Midi software sound module like Roland counterparts such as SC 55 but with its own approach and unique features. With the initial release of Purity it was an expensive investment but now you can pick it up for $99 USD which is cheap compared to what you get. Sure there is noew things on the market which do GM sounds with better quality but if you take another approach and consider Purity as a device for getting ideas down quick then you cant go wrong. My interest is in the build in sequencer which can be used to create ideas for sequences and arpeggios. The fun part is when you combine several phrases, multis, loops etc... into a 1 finger preset sounding like a full orchestra or any kind of arrangement. When doing this you will instantly do a timewarp back to the late 80's synth pop.

I had a little trouble with the install because Cubase forced Purity to look for the sound library in c:\Program Files\LUXONIX\Purity\ but it was installed elsewhere on a extern harddrive but i just copied the files from the extern into the C:\Program Files\......

Now when fooling around with this kind of PCM sound generator you need to think creative. Dont like the drum sounds ? well try turn up or down in pitch and see what comes out.

To get the most from Purity i think you would need to setup your own drumkits using the PCM sounds included. Drums are always a matter of taste.

Anyways, i played around with Purity for several hours to get the grand picture and ended up with a little fun preset. Everything in the following demo is controlled by key note, how long i hold the key and how hard i hit the key. I added some comp and reverb on the total mix.

You can find more information about Purity at

Thats about it for today...


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