Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Lets try something new and different

Well we used to have me posting about the progress over at xsynth.com and i kinda miss this thing. Now that i think of it it was more like a Blog on what was going on in the studio. So why not make a Blog then and see where it takes us.

Its been awhile since i made some noise.

I've been trying out tons of ways to improve the XSynth Library.

My main beef with sampling is how to obtain a crystal clear stereo sound without phasing. The kind of phasing im talking about is the one occuring when you take two mono signals and pan them extreme left and right and do the detune trick. This is ok when making pads that are supposed to be a bit blurry but what if you want a crystal clear bass to have the broad stereo effect and still be punchy.

Phasing have a negative effect on basses since it will make the deep end fade in and out and thats bad if you want the bass to work with a kick to produce a nice punch.

There are 3 types of bass that can go with phasing:

Freetless Bass (Jazz)
Sequencing Bass (Synth Pop)
PWM Bass (DnB)

All other kinds of bass should be mono and put in center to give the constant punch.

Anyway, its phasing i dont want but i like the movement between left and right. So i have come up with a way to produce a chorus like effect which adds life to samples but keep them clear and gives a nice random stereo placement. Now if i did the same thing to all the samples i would end up with one hell of a blurry soup. So i tend to think in 3 dimensions. The narrow approach, the wide approach and the center approach.

I'm gonna post some examples during the easter holidays.

Until then


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